How Mr Trump Became President Donald Trump

Presented by award winning UCSC Professor, Dr. Thomas Pettigrew
  • This lecture will include: How did Trump win? Who supported him?
  • Five data-supported social psychological processes help to explain the phenomenon: authoritarianism, social dominance orientation, outgroup prejudice, the absence of outgroup contact, and relative deprivation 
  • All five of these factors contribute to a deep sense of threat
  • His voting support mirrors comparable right-wing voting in Europe
  • This poses a serious challenge to the widespread belief in “American exceptionalism”

Dr. Thomas Pettigrew

  • Tom is a social psychologist who came to UCSC in 1979
  • He has studied intergroup relations for more than five decades spending the past 20 years focusing on race relations in Europe
  • He has earned international honors as well as the 2008 Distinguished Social Sciences Emeriti Faculty Award at UCSC
  • Since his retirement, he has maintained an active research program, traveling around the world while remaining involved in campus activities at UCSC

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